How Do You Take Care of Your Skin?


I have never been big on cosmetics. I just don’t… well, I just don’t care. Or maybe I’m just lazy. I also dislike going to the cosmetics counter. It’s intimidating. I feel like I don’t “speak the language”, that I can’t seem to communicate what I want.

What do I want?

I guess I want to look radiant, beautiful, healthy. With very little effort.

Let’s back up a little.

The first brand I purchased was Clinique. If I bought anything it was always Clinique. Skin care and Make up (I’ll talk about make up in a future post.)

Years later, a friend asked me to buy Mary Kay. For some reason, up until then I had always resisted buying a system, you know, “cleanse-tone-moisturize.”  I tried it.

Another friend was selling Arbonne. I tried that. She got me hooked with the free sample. It had everything: cleanser – toner – anti aging cream – eye cream – SPF moisturizer – night scrub – night cream. It really seemed to make a huge difference. I bought the whole line. But when it came time to re-up, I couldn’t bring myself to drop $275 again. I replaced a few of the items. (I do love the orange-y smell.)

I filled in the gaps with recommendations I got at Sephora or ULTA: from new-to-me brands like Lancome, L’Oreal, and Dermalogica.

Over the summer I just got lazy. And my skin was not looking younger.

Then, just last month, another friend invited me to a Beauty Counter party. I ended up trying a mascara and the Balancing Face Oil.

So now I have this strange, incomplete mix of products:


Clinique eye cream. Clinique moisturizer. Clinique make up remover. Arbonne eye cream. Lancome exfoliating cleanser. L’Oreal anti aging cream. Dermalogica cleanser. Beauty Counter Oil.

I was really impressed with Beauty Counter, especially their commitment to using only healthy ingredients. I’ve only tried the oil and I haven’t used it a lot. I’m trying to decide if I should invest in more of their products.



While I was at the party, my friend told me about this new App. It let’s you look up or scan products to see how many toxins are in them. Not all beauty products report on their ingredients (they don’t have to), but you can find a lot.

So that’s where I am. Kind of in skin care limbo. There are so many options out there. I want something that works, doesn’t cost a fortune.

And it has to be simple.

I think I’m ready to grow up a little bit and really take care of my skin.