Me and Pam Capaldi of Forks Township Jazzericise
I love Jazzercise so much. It is seriously the best workout ever invented. And, it has continually reinvented itself, staying current with fitness trends (or setting them.) I have done all kinds of workouts over the years—boot camp, zumba, hip-hop, kickboxing, boxing-boxing, pilates, yoga, spinning, road and mountain biking, running, even outrigger canoeing—but I always come back to Jazzercise. It works like nothing else. It’s the perfect blend of cardio, muscle building and stretching.
I did ballet when I was little but never exercised per se. I took one aerobics class in college and swore I’d never do it again. So when this bossy German friend of a friend, “Dörte Bleinagel”, asked if I wanted to go to a class with her I don’t know why but I said “yes”. And she insisted we stand right in front! That was Abbi Hartsell’s class in Santa Cruz, California in February 1991. After that I started going all the time. Soon I started working for Abbi as a class manager.
When I moved to the east coast in 2000, I sought out the nearest Jazzercise class. In 2002 I became an instructor. What an amazing experience. I loved it. But in 2007 I had to retire. I was pregnant with twins and I wasn’t allowed to exercise at all. As soon as I was healed up from the C-section, I went back, as a student. So, you can see: the secret is creating a habit of exercise. That, and finding a workout you love. Jazzercise made me love working out and it became the foundation of all other fitness. I don’t do Jazzercise as often as I’d like because the closest class is a 30 minutes away. When I do go, after months of being away, I’m treated like an old friend. And they always ask me, “When are you getting re-certified?”
Pam Capaldi teaches Jazzercise in Forks Township, PA. If you live in the area, check her out.