I was lying on the floor at the end of yoga this morning when I remembered I didn’t post a weekly update on Friday so this is a little late.
We are well into January and as far as Januarys go, I think it’s going pretty well. Pennsylvania is the land of snow and ice and I have to work at feeling positive this time of year. I know “self-care” is a bit buzzword-y, but I think it’s descriptive and I like it. And it is the key to getting though the season. This past week I was slower than usual work-wise so I had more time to enjoy the things mean self-care for me: buying new glassware, eating perfectly ripe avocados, using my new sauna, reading books, wearing perfume, doing the New York Times crossword, and sending funny Instagram reels to my friends.
Saturday my daughter took her driver’s test…and she passed! How exciting and terrifying to see your tiny baby drive off in a car by herself. I am so happy for her, though.
I went to H&M and bought a beige sweatshirt. I almost bought a pair of leopard patterned jeans but talked myself out of them. I just knew I wouldn’t wear them and if I’m going to buy something new I want to be sure I will love it. But then I found myself asking existential questions about whether my true nature is a fierce predator or merely a soft-hued house pet. House pet apparently.
I also went to World Market to look at dining chairs. That place is magical, but I didn’t see any chairs I loved. I am in an endless search for the perfect ones. These are the top contenders.
Sunday I went to yoga. My usual instructor was sick so we had a sub. Why is it I’m resistant to taking yoga from anyone but Lisa? It was still a good class, but not the same. It started snowing midday and after braving the grocery store, I settled in for the big storm. The Eagles played an intense game in the snow and won.
Monday was a holiday. MLK plus Inauguration Day plus snow day. I mean, the kids would’ve had off if they already didn’t. Everyday now begins with opening my window shades to see the glass frozen over which is really quite pretty. Then I check to weather to see if it will be sunny or the high will be above 32 degrees.
On Tuesday we had a 2-hour delay. I went to my writing workshop with Abby. I ordered myself a new desk chair. This white upholstered West Elm chair has been on my wish list for like six months. Having a comfortable chair for work is very important. Because sitting.
Wednesday I donated to a family effected by the fires in LA. I had been feeling overwhelmed by the news of the devastation and at the same time feeling powerless over the enormity of it. Then an email came through that suggested donating to a family. Any family. Any amount. Once I did, I was glad I did.
The puffer jacket I ordered online at Uniqlo arrived. I have needed to replace my very old one from Gap. I tried one on at Muji that was really good, then my daughter tried it on and loved it. I ended up getting it for her and we joke that we’re sharing it. I considered ordering one for myself but by then it was sold out. The Uniqlo one is almost exactly the same and I’m very happy with it. If winter is difficult for you, I highly recommend getting a very comfy new coat.
Thursday was uneventful. Still adjusting to the new experience of my daughter just driving herself to all the places she needs to be.
Friday was a student holiday but I don’t even know why. For some reason I woke up with renewed motivation and energy and got all the things done.
Saturday my son took his driver’s test…and he passed! He celebrated by taking his girlfriend out to dinner. Still not used to them being out and about on their own. The husband and I went out to eat at KOME, a sushi place in our area. It was delish. Then we came home and watched Saturday Night, the movie about SNL. Very entertaining.
Today (Sunday) I went to Dig Yoga, an awesome studio in Frenchtown, NJ. (Lisa was still sick and there was a sub). I ran into my friend Lauri and we went for coffee afterwards at Early Bird Espresso. Then we went to the Frenchtown Bookshop and I bought two books of essays. Homework for publishing my book.