Hi ya’ll. I’m back.

This is a post I’ve wanted to do for a while now. What do you do when you can’t exercise. I’m scheduled to run a 10K next weekend and I’m not anywhere near ready. I pulled a glute muscle a month or so ago, and have been trying to rehab it ever since. It hasn’t been easy. Why do injuries take so long to heal? The following suggestions may be obvious to you, but in case they aren’t, and mainly to remind myself, here’s what I’ve learned over the years:

  1. The hardest (but most obvious) thing first: stop running! Arg, no!
  2. Drink water! I talked with a marathoner recently who said that injuries aren’t a problem of alignment or bad shoes or any of the things we think they are, they’re simply because you’re not drinking enough water! Hmmm.
  3. Ice it. THE MIRACLE CURE. 20 minutes at a time. (alternate with heat if you want) If you’re feeling adventurous or very sore, do an ice bath.
  4. After 24 hrs, heating pad. I always seem to forget this. I did it recently and it was magic!
  5. Ibuprophen, or as I like to call it “Vitamin I”. Not only is it a pain reliever, it’s an anti-inflammatory. It helps you heal. Don’t over do it though. It can be hard on your stomach.*
  6. Drink water. In case you forgot.
  7. Get a massage. I have an amazing massage person. She is not gentle, but she fixes what needs fixing.
  8. Get adjusted. I have great a chiropractor who not only lets me drop in but doesn’t charge a fortune.
  9. Drink water. You know it.
  10. Foam roller. I just discovered that this is a thing. Check this out: goop.com/fascia-the-secret-organ/
  11. Epsom salt/baking soda bath. I threw this in just because.
  12. Drink water.

Hopefully some of this will be helpful to you. Good luck!

* I’m not a doctor.

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