Keeping in mind the Low Buy Challenge, I have not been shopping very much. I avoided shopping ‘because it’s Fall’ and reminded myself that I don’t need any more clothes. I don’t need the new styles. I know what’s “me” and I have so many items in my closet that are tried and true. I pulled out my fall/winter clothes and integrated them back into my closet. Hello sweaters and boots. Definitely don’t need any more of those. Jean? I’ve got plenty. It feels really good to realize that. If I do add something, it’s been on my wish list for a while and I only purchase what I truly need. Here’s what I’ve gotten over the last few months:
J Crew black watch Crimson plaid tuxedo pants (thrifted)
I bought this pair of plaid pants at a consignment shop I recently found. It’s a great place to sell clothes as well! I love extending the life of old items.
Then I found a perfect pair of black shorts on sale at the Gap. I probably won’t wear them much until next year, but they were exactly what I had been looking for all summer.
I also got a soft tee in a forrest-y green that I will probably wear as a pajama top.
The best addition was these Old Skool Vans. I finally caved into Pinterest influence and got them! They look so cool with so many outfits, I’m so excited to wear them. Also very happy I found them for a great price because they are kids’ (I’m a youth 7/Womens’ 8.5) and they were on sale.
Finally, I picked up two pair of PJ pants at Gap and one pair of sweats from Aerie. It was not easy finding loungewear these days and I really needed to upgrade my pajamas.
I think this will wrap up my fall shopping!