New Bike



Some people have been giving me sh*t because I “never ride a real bike anymore.” I admitted this to my friend Jerry recently. But I have been taking spin almost weekly. (I LOVE SPIN. It’s like Jazzercise on a bike. Right?) That, he said, was even worse. He said, “Your 20 year old self wants to punch you in the face right now.” Okay, okay. I used to ride a lot. Mostly mountain biking, some road. I have other things going on now. Sorry.

But, to prove Jerry wrong, I bought this new bike and I am actually riding it. It’s not new-new, of course. It’s a 1952 Hawthorne. I bought it to take to the beach next month. We always rent beach cruisers (with tagalongs for the kids), but this year the kids will take their bikes, and Tim got a beach cruiser recently, so I just needed one. I used to have a JC Higgins back in CA that was the same vintage and I loved it. I always regretted selling it.

If you’re local and looking for a cool vintage bike, check out Carl’s place in the back of the Qmart.