Driving home from school the other day my daughter described life these days as having, “no texture” and I’ve never heard a better description of January.
Hello! Happy Friday. Another week has flown by. Flown by like a flock of geese, making a racket, pointed purposefully in a classic V formation, but never flying south because they continue to fly back around to the pond down the street.
Saturday morning was unexpectedly snowy. I went out to brunch with some women friends and we had the best time, talking about life, food, relationships, all the important stuff. We went to a diner and the food wasn’t very good but the waitress was a real character and we felt so at home. I planned a date night for Saturday night but we couldn’t make a decision about a restaurant so we got pizza and stayed in and watched TV, a new show with Lisa Kudrow called No Good Deed. Choosing a boring at-home-date felt surprisingly special. Like, when you remember that you can do whatever you want because you’re the adult and what you really want to do is eat greasy pepperoni pizza in the living room. This was after I told everyone at brunch I decided to be vegetarian.
Sunday I went to yoga and it was even more crowded. It made me want to say, “I see a lot of new faces. Which means a lot of people are breaking the first rule of Fight Club.” Lisa’s class was, as always, amazing. Then I had my Writing Circle get together with the original group of women that kicked off my obsession with creative writing. We hadn’t met since April and it was so good to be back together. Brooke hosted and she made homemade chocolate chip scones. There was a roaring fire in the fireplace, cups of hot tea, and a sleeping cat. It remains to be seen if we will all continue to write together or if we will merely solve all the world’s problems. Either way, I’m in!
Monday was fairly uneventful except that we picked up the car we purchased for the kids who will be driving soon! We got a used VW Tiguan that looks brand new on the outside but smells a little like dog grooming on the inside, as well as cigarettes. But it was a great deal. This is really happening.
Tuesday I had my writing class and I scheduled some time to talk to Abby and got some very helpful suggestions about “my collection of personal essays.” She shared insights on getting them edited, finding an agent, and ultimately getting published. I went out to dinner at a place called Cancun of Easton with a couple friends. Again, mediocre food, excellent company. I mean, I’ll take not-great Mexican food over most other options. The staff was very friendly and I was reminded how much I love Mexico and wish I was going there again this winter.
Wednesday was fairly unexciting. Since there wasn’t much going on, I went to IKEA. I joke that it’s my spiritual home. Sometimes I need to immerse myself in inexpensive Swedish decor. I got a new set of drinking glasses, a thermos, flannel sheets, and a new duvet cover. I thought I’d treat myself to a hot dog but it turned out to be pretty disappointing. Usually I get a salad with smoked salmon and potato salad. Next time. When I got home I did some online shopping for dining chairs but could not find what I wanted. I just want six matching danish modern chairs that coordinate with what I have but aren’t $1000 a piece! Loving everything on the Danish Design Store and the Finnish Design Shop.
Thursday was a day of dropping off and picking up. Cars for oil changes. Kids for kid stuff. Then it snowed again. Rather unexpectedly. You’d think I never heard of the weather channel. The road conditions were terrible and my daughter was driving and it was harrowing.
Today is Friday and I did make a reservation. We’re going out to dinner at The Bayou. It’s a very good cajun restaurant in Bethlehem. Cajun? Creole? I always forget the difference. Google says Creole is more refined and Cajun is more rustic, and spicy! When Bayou first opened you could not get a table, period, so I think we gave up on it. Now you can. I’m excited to go back.